English Section

Creat de dragos2006, Septembrie 22, 2010, 11:52:10 PM

« precedentul - următorul »


Sleep-deprived bees are less proficient than their well-rested hive mates at indicating the location of a food source to other members of the colony by waggle dancing

A very intresting study but ..... find it yourself.


Don't be stingy, show us the link! :nod:
Planurile nu inseamna nimic. Planificarea e totul. (Dwight Eisenhower)<br />Sun Photo     YouTube


Bayer, the corporation behind clothianidin (the pesticide in question), published a life cycle study about it in 2006 at the EPA's request. The study was flawed--test and control fields were, for example, planted as close as 968 feet apart. But the EPA continued to allow the use of clothianidin, which has been on the market since 2003 for use on corn, canola, soy, sugar beets, sunflowers, and wheat (and which has been banned by Germany, France, Italy, and Slovenia for its toxic effects on bees, birds, and other species).


Citat din: pharaonu75 din Decembrie 14, 2010, 10:22:21 PM
Don't be stingy, show us the link! :nod:
Il gaseste Mircea si il posteaza dincolo sub unu din conturile clone.


"...For example, counterfeiters often try to pass off Indonesian or Chinese honey as high-grade New Zealand honey, but measurement of the ratio of carbon isotopes of the honey can readily identify its origin."