Miere 2009

Creat de filip, Februarie 05, 2009, 05:23:36 PM

« precedentul - următorul »

Adrian MM

Citat din: abeja
Citat din: Adrian MM
Citat din: abejaDragos hai  sa  facem  schimb  de  marfuri.Eu  i-ti  trimit  miere  de : portocal,lamie,romero,tomilio,eucalipt.Astept  oferta ta.
Buenos dias,sr.abeja ,me gustaria contarme un poco la vida apicola de ESPANA!
Ce  vrei  sa  stii?
Buenos dias Sr.abeja,Me gustaria saber de todo,si quiere contarme.El potencial de la zona.la flora,quantas colmenas tiene,tipo de colmena utilizado en Espana,enfermedades,tratamientos,la organizacion de los apicultores(tipo de asociacion)Q tipo de apicultura se practica mas en Espana,q tipo practica uds.tasas?La varorificacion de los productos de la colmena,precios ,dificuldades,exitos,cria de reinas,etc.......(solo si uds.puede y quiere)
  unabrazo,mucha gracias! DEU!


Alooo! Domnu Adrian din MM. Ablar rumena por favor! Ca asta-i forum de romani.
Macar din respect pentru colegii de forum.
Sau te dai ca ai uitat sa vorbesti romaneste?
Mierea e dulce :)  :) dar cu cata  truda amara se scoate :sad: :sad:.

Adrian MM

Buna ziua .domnu crombra,scuzati nu voiam sa deranjez.Nu se mai repeta.


Buna  Adrian,eu  am  stupii la 90km (1h de  casa ,drum  national) in  provicia Guadalajara.s-au  mai  bine  zis zona  de  Alcarria(cea  mai  buna  zona  apicola  din  Spania,din  punctul de  vedere  calitativ   si  nu  productiv).In  Alcarria  ai  500plante  care  dau  nectar,planta  cea  mai  renumita  fiind  rozmarinu.Perioada  de  inflorire  ar fi:rozmarin 1/15 martie-1/20 mai (miere alba cum  ii mai  zic  spaniolii),cimbru((tomillo,planta  aromatica) 1/5mai-10/15  iunie,LAVANDA(ESPLIEGO) 25/30IULIE-10/15 SEPT,ajedrea(nu  stiu in  rom)25/30 Aug-20/25 oct.,floarea  soarelui..etc..
Eu  detin  20  stupi model ME si  recoltez 200kg  de  miere(nu  extrag  de  la  toti),  mierea o  impart la  familiari  si  la  prieteni.Spaniolii au 70% stupi  Layens,10% stupi Dandant cu magazie 3/4(stup industrial ),15%  stupi ME(PERFECCION),5%  stupi  primitivi(scorburi s-au  buduroie)acestia  din  urma  se  tin  de frumusete.
Apicultorii  profesionisti  au  pct  lor  de  desfacere,semiprofesionisti au  cooperative.iar  amatorii  impart  mierea  ca  si  mine.Atit pt  astazi,cu  multa  stima Abeja.


Citat din: cateluite si o idee buna ! schimb de marfuri.cred ca o sa prinda bine schimburile.
Cu  recesiunea  facem  schimb ,pt  ca  nu  sint  bani.Astept  oferte si  cred  ca  este  pacat  sa  nu  probati  si  alte  tipuri  de  miere. :hi:


Astazi  am  fost  la  tirgul apicol  si  am  vorbit  cu  comerciali de  miere,ii  intereseaza  mierea  de  salcim  si  tei.Cine  doreste  sa  trimeata  oferte sa  ma  contacteze  pe PM,Asta  o  fac pt  colegii de  pe  forum fara  nici  un  interes(pt  cei  ce  reusesc, i-mi  sint  datori  citeva  borcanase  de  miere)


Incepe sa se miste legislatia locala in definirea mieri ca produs alimenetar.
Cam asta a fost subiectul prinipal anul acesta la intalnirea apicola pe California.
Definirea mieri.
The annual conference of the California State Beekeepers Association was a big success in San Diego November 17th - 19th.
AB1216 was discussed which resulted in the regulation below:
This seems to be the honey industries attempt to ensure that pure, raw, unadulterated honey is easily discernable by our customers who desire quality. It reads:
   (a) "Honey" means the natural sweet substance produced by honeybees from the nectar of plants or from secretions of living parts of plants or excretions of plant sucking insects on the living parts of plants, which the bees collect, transform by combining with specific substances of their own, deposit, dehydrate, store, and leave in the honey comb to ripen and mature.
   (b) "Blossom honey" or "nectar honey" means the honey that comes from nectars of plants. 
   (c) "Honeydew honey" means the honey that comes mainly from excretions of plant sucking insects (Hemiptera) on living parts of plants or secretions of living parts of plants.
   (d) Honey consists essentially of different sugars, predominantly fructose and glucose as well as other substances such as organic acids, enzymes, and solid particles derived from honey collection.
The color of honey can vary from nearly colorless to dark brown. The consistency can be fluid, viscous, or partially to completely crystallized. The flavor and aroma vary, but are derived from plant origin.
   (e) Honey sold as described in subdivision (d) shall not have added to it any ingredient, including food additives, nor shall any other additions be made other than honey. Honey shall not have any objectionable matter, flavor, aroma, or taint absorbed from foreign matter during its processing and storage. Honey shall not have begun to ferment or effervesce and no pollen or constituent particular to honey may be removed except where unavoidable in the removal of foreign inorganic or organic matter. 
   (f) Honey shall meet the following standards: 
   (1) Honey shall not be heated or processed to such an extent that its essential composition is changed or its quality is impaired.
   (2) Chemical or biochemical treatments shall not be used to influence honey crystallization.
   (3) Honey shall not contain more than 20 percent moisture content and for heather honey not more than 23 percent. 
   (4) Honey shall contain not less than 60 percent fructose and glucose, combined.
   (5) Honeydew honey and blends of honeydew honey with blossom honey shall not contain less than 45 percent fructose and glucose, combined. 
   (6) Blossom honey shall not contain more than 5 percent sucrose, except for the following: (A) Alfalfa (Medicago saliva), citrus spp., false acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia), French honeysuckle (Hedysarum), Menzies banksias (Banksia menziesii), red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), leatherwood (Eucryphia lucida), and Eucryphia milligani may contain up to 10 percent sucrose. (B) Lavender (Lavandula spp.) and borage (Borago officinalis) may contain up to 15 percent sucrose. 
   (7) The water insoluble solids content for honey other than pressed honey shall not be more than 0.1g/100g. The content for pressed honey shall not be more than 0.5g/100g.
   All matter omitted in this version of the bill appears in the bill as amended in the Senate, June 22, 2009
Daca se aproba legea ...... cei ce adauga sau modifica mierea nu mai pot scrie pe ambalaj Miere.
In mare o sa interzica procesatorilor care "prelucreaza" mierea sau alauga la ea "orice" sa mai poata pune pe eticheta "Miere".
Daca cineva vrea traducerea sa-mi spuna.  :hi:


Draga AndreiRN,aici te refri la miere din zahar,nu?