Apicultura - Forum discuții Apiardeal

STUPINE => BOLI ŞI DĂUNĂTORI => Subiect creat de: D006 din Ianuarie 22, 2008, 02:59:00 AM

Titlu: Nosemoza
Scris de: D006 din Ianuarie 22, 2008, 02:59:00 AM
Incerc sa fac o continuare a subiectului descris pe celalalt forum.La ora actuala tinara Nosemoza C am stiinta ca a ajuns pina in nord si a ajuns pina in Suedia. Pornind de la ideea ca astazi sub zodia globalizarii nu este exclus sa apara si la noi. Sintem oare pregatiti? Fara a parea pesimist am sa-mi spun parerea:NU. La modul cum am vazut ca se trateaza stupii si la modul in care sint controlati cred ca v-am avea probleme. Ce ziceti?
Cu stima
PS. Am uitat sa-i spun domnului de pe celalat forum ca varoa este raspindita "all over the world" adicatele in lumea intreaga. Hawai si Noua Zeelanda nu au fost ferite.
Titlu: Nosemoza
Scris de: D006 din Ianuarie 24, 2008, 11:19:53 PM
a se vedea mai jos motivatia subiectului deschis:
"Varoa D , parazitul major al albinei (APIS MELLIFERA) altereaza comportamentul de zbor(zborulu) in asa grad incit impiedica intoarcerea cu succes in familie. Aici am testat (este vorba de National institute of Biology, Slovenia) compottamentul de zbor al albinelor infestate cu Nosemoza A. Probe luate la intrarea stupului din albinele care pleaca si din albinele care se reintorc arata o pierdere mare a albinelor infestate. Lucratoarelor infestate le trebuie un timp de 1,7 mai sa se reintoarca decit albinelor neinfestatee pornite din aceeasi locatie."
Cititi mai departe, daca doriti continuarea aici;
"> Varroa destructor, a major pest of honey bees, alters flight behavior of foragers to a degree that may prevent their successful return to the colony. Infested workers have impaired orientation and need more time to return to the colony. As V. destructor is a relatively recent pest of the western honey bee Apis mellifera and thus specific adaptations can not be expected, it would be possible that the behavioral response is more general in nature. Here we tested the flight behavior of foragers infested by Nosema apis. Sampling departing and returning bees at the entrance showed lower infestation of returning workers compared to departing workers indicating higher loss of infested bees. Infested workers took 1.7 times longer to return to the colony than uninfested workers when released from the same location. Prolonged flights were also confirmed by labeling workers with radio frequency identification tags (RFID) to register their departure and return at the colony entrance. !
This data also showed that infested workers had shorter life spans and vanished from the colony earlier. The study shows a similar effect of parasitism on flight behavior of foragers infested by N. apis to that shown for V. destructor suggesting that the altered flight behavior of foragers is a general response by diseased bees and it is not limited to infestation by V. destructor. This behavior can be interpreted as *suicidal pathogen removal*, serving as a disease defense mechanism which reduces the colony's load of parasites or pathogens.
in Proceedings of the Second European Conference of Apidology EurBee"