A fost publicat proiectul H.G. privind PNA 2014-2016

Creat de viorel55, Decembrie 09, 2013, 04:40:35 PM

« precedentul - următorul »


Am auzit că la Slobozia deja se pregătesc gălețile cu tuș  =))


Citat din: bio din Decembrie 14, 2013, 04:03:29 PM

..miine , poimiine or sa vrea sa ne amprenteze si albinele  =))..

Eu doresc sa-mi amprenteze trantorii...
Iertarea este o virtute crestina.    Alexandre Dumas.



Am inregistrat cat am putut de mult din discutii, imediat ce tehnica imi va permite, va voi prezenta materialul ca si concluziile personale.

Pe scurt, a fost o intalnire peste asteptarile noastre, au fost prezenti pe langa invitati oficiali sau apicultorii membri ai asociatiei noastre si apicultori din alte asociatii, neasociati  sau din alte judete ca Dolj, Vaslui, Iasi, Suceava, Bacau, Braila, Vrancea, Ialomita, Prahova... sper ca nu mi-a scapat vreunul.

Asta denota ca atunci cand exista interes, distantele nu conteaza.

S-a infiintat Sucursala Judeteana Buzau a Sindicatului Apicol National - S.A.N., fiind prezent insusi presedintele SAN dl. Panait Sorin, ca si presedintele AGROSTAR, dl. Stefan Niculae.

Apicultori din Vrancea si Braila au hotarat sa faca si ei acelasi pas.
Doar avand un sindicat mare si puternic putem sa emitem pretentii si sa ne luptam pentru respectarea drepturilor legale.

... voi reveni cu alte amanunte ...


Trebuie sa stii sa vezi,
ca sa prevezi
si sa prevezi ca sa previi


        Dupa cum vedeti,apicultorii au posibilitatea sa cumpere produsele si DIRECT,pe numele sau sau al PFA-ului sau.
       Redau mai jos un extras al art.1 din Normele de aplicare a PNA 2014-2016:

        "Beneficiarii Programului national apicol...achizitioneaza DIRECT sau PRIN INTERMEDIUL FORMEI ASOCIATIVE...din care fac parte...si depun la sediul acesteia documentele justificative..."


Multi se vaita ca sunt prea multe acte si formalitati datorita acestui PNA dar cu Canadienii ce au ?

  Anyone know the details of possible regulations coming down the road for Canadian beekeepers to keep track of individual hives, and inputs into them, being required by the appropriate regulatory agency?
A beesource member brought this to my attention and pointed me to the documentation as linked. http://www.inspection.gc.ca/animals/...0541968?chap=1

It piqued my curiosity as to the thoughts of Canadian beekeepers to these guidelines/(possible) future regulations and how U.S beeks would react to similar "recommendations" .

We in the US are required to register our production facilities, and the packers take care to know what supplier sent which lots of honey for traceability back to the source in case of a bio-security event. But there is currently no requirement to track and keep detailed records on individual hives, bee yards or the entire operation, (other than for tax considerations). I am now curious if we have similar documents on recommended practices under our food security regulations and will be checking on that.

But for now, back to Canada. They seem to be recommending detailed record keeping on each hive? Starting with when and from whom it was acquired, if purchased or if self raised. What type of queen and when requeened and details on temperment. When treated for what/with what plus measurement to determine efficacy of treatment. Who visits your apiary and when and why. What inputs into your operation and the sources of same.
For accuracy would one have to keep records of movement between colonies of frames and queens, even of which supers are used where and when? I can't see how that would even be practicable in a commercial migratory outfit. Those beekeepers with smaller numbers of colonies might have a hope of living with this level of record keeping but it would seem fairly impossible for large commercial migratory beekeepers with so much switching around of hive components and the fluidity of bees and queens themselves between hives, planned and otherwise. And any end benefit of this collecting of minutia is debatable, other than to the extra employee one would need for the record collecting and reporting.

It seems at this point the program is voluntary and could be considered recommended micro-management practices for those so inclined. Many of the recommended practices are widely acknowledged as "best practices", but some were obviously written with no consideration of the realities of beekeeping. For example, bees should only be allowed access to "water which meets municipal regulations for drinking water". Somewhat problematic to enforce, I would think.

There is a big difference between recommending "best practices" and requiring implementation and documentation of tightly defined husbandry practices. Voluntary programs often serve as trial balloons for future regulations, is that where we're headed?



Spune acolo ca nu este obligatorie o asemenea evidenta si eu cred ca in ritmul in care se lucreaza acolo niciodata nu va fi posibil. Cum spune si autorul, acele evidente sunt utile in primul rand celui care lucreaza in stupina dar nu vad utilitatea raportarii acestora mai sus.
Nimic nu costa mai mult decat nestiinta! (Legea lui Moisil)